Application Process
Things to Note Before Submitting an IRB Application

TMU-eJIRB System Account

To submit IRB application documents, please log in to the system and complete the forms online. Register for a TMU-eJIRB account in advance.
TMU-eJIRB System URL: http://tmujirb.tmu.edu.tw/TMUJIRB
Account Registration Instructions: https://ohr.tmu.edu.tw/zh-Hant/news/403

Training Hours Requirement

  1. Human Research Outside Clinical Trial Scope: At least 6 hours of ethics or human research training must be completed between January 1 of the prior year and the application submission date.
  2. Human Trials Under Article 8 of the Medical Care Act: The Principal Investigator (PI) must complete 30 hours in ethics or human research, plus 9 hours in medical ethics within six years. For somatic or gene therapy, an additional 5 hours in cell therapy are required.
  3. Medical Device Clinical Trials Under Article 5 of the Medical Device Administration Act: The PI must complete 9 hours in medical devices, 9 hours in medical ethics, and a total of over 30 hours in ethics or human research within six years.
  4. Other Team Members: As per point 1 requirements.

Request TMU-JIRB as an external IRB

If the PI’s affiliated unit is outside the TMU system, please refer to the proxy application guidelines: https://ohr.tmu.edu.tw/zh-Hant/jirb/202

Fee Standards

After creating documents online, please proceed with payment according to the source of research funding.
Payment Process Instructions: https://ohr.tmu.edu.tw/en/news/367

Application Form Guidelines

New Application: https://ohr.tmu.edu.tw/zh-Hant/jirb/42
※Templates for "survey-only research," "database research," and "retrospective chart review research" are available for reference by teams planning these studies.
Amendment Application: https://ohr.tmu.edu.tw/zh-Hant/jirb/44
Submit Continuous Review: https://ohr.tmu.edu.tw/zh-Hant/jirb/66
Final Report: https://ohr.tmu.edu.tw/zh-Hant/jirb/68