(TMU-eJIRB) Account Login Instructions

A. Taipei Medical University Account Login:

  1. If you are a faculty member or student at Taipei Medical University, you can log in directly using your school account and password.
  2. When logging in for the first time, please go to the "Modify Personal Information" section and fill in all the information completely.
  3. The system administrator will confirm the identity and enable access within three working days. If you have any questions, please contact: tmujirb@gmail.com.

B. Non-Taipei Medical University Accounts:

  1. If you do not have an account, please click on the Register button and fill in all registration information completely. Account restrictions: letters or numbers, with a length limit of 6 to 20 characters.
  2. Employees from TMU healthcare systems who also have a university affiliation can log in using either method.
  3. For sponsors, CROs, and companies have to apply an IRB Account Controller Account. (Apply for the IRB Account Controller account: https://ohr.tmu.edu.tw/en/jirb/88)
  4. The system administrator will confirm the identity and enable access within three working days. If you have any questions, please contact: tmujirb@gmail.com.


  • If you are a student, you can only apply for account roles as a co-investigator. If you hold both student and affiliated hospital employee status and need to apply for principal investigator, it is recommended to register using the “Non-Taipei Medical University Account.”
  • If the principal investigator doesn’t work at the TMU system, please complete the application process, and our system administrator will activate your account.
  • Request TMU-JIRB as an external IRB: https://ohr.tmu.edu.tw/en/jirb/202