For English IRB course resources information

There are some online courses for your reference.

They have some e-learning English courses about research ethics, each course on AREE can count for 20 minutes. Since Academic research ethics is not totally as same as human research ethics, we cant count all the courses. Please try to access the course which highlights in yellow on IRB websites announcement. (https://ohr.tmu.edu.tw/en/news/93)

Full English courses. We accept all the course on this training program.

Full English courses. Since there is a commercial contract between TRREE and HuSPAT (https://huspat.org) in Taiwan, the user will be ask to contact HuSPAT to arrange an exam at a specific venue to obtain an official certificate.

  • Fee-based/Paid course The Association of Clinical Research Professionals, “ACRP https://acrpnet.org

Full English courses. Mainly target audience is clinical trial-related personnel.

We suggest you to choose the 1st and/or 2nd online courses (AREE and NIDA) as the first choice, It's a fastest way to obtain the certificate.